Reflections on Justice John Paul Stevens's Concurring Opinion in Baze v. Rees: A Fifth Gregg Justice Renounces Capital Punishment Elisabeth Semel - UC Berkeley School of Law
Justice Stevens and the Seattle Schools Case: A Case Study on the Role of Righteous Anger in Constitutional Discourse Andrew Siegel - Seattle University School of Law
Justice Stevens, Habeas Jurisdiction, and the War on Terror Daniel A. Farber - UC Berkeley School of Law
Justice John Paul Stevens and Judicial Deference in Military Matters Eugene R. Fidell - Yale Law School
From Chevron to Massachusetts: Justice Stevens's Approach to Securing the Public Interest Kathryn A. Watts - University of Washington School of Law
A Measure of Deference: Justice Stevens from Chevron to Hamdan Deborah N. Pearlstein - University of Pennsylvania School of Law